Sunday, September 5, 2010

What Is It I Am Seeing?

"The question is not what you look at, but what you see."
Henry David Thoreau

This is not a blog post as I used to write them Or perhaps it is.

Thank you everyone - for all the lovely comments I have received through this site. In general. And on this last posting - about summer. About afternoons. About time. About images. About blogging. About life.

And to you erin, for your asking about my whereabouts....

I am wondering myself.

I have thought about this blog. I have loved loved loved writing it. And loved loved loved the communication.  And visiting all of you in your special web homes.

But the blog itself changed me. (ehhhmmmm..... was that not the very idea of it?)

Blogging made me realize my love for photography. (You might have guessed, as I started filling this site with more and more images....) So I joined this photo site - just for the summer. Just to live that outdoor life. The 3-D life I urged for.

So. A photo blog. Just for the summer. Or so I thought.

It has taken me completely by surprise. How I love my camera (a new/old one. Not the compact - but a Single Lens Reflex). How I love looking at other peoples photos. How images are so important to me.

The photo blog does something to me. For me. A photo a day cannot NOT change you.

I go around with my eyes completely open all the time.

As for this blog, and all the lovely lovely people I have met here - please be patient with me.

Time. Time. Time. The eternal dilemma. A gift. And a frustration.

I need more of it. Don’t we all.....Or perhaps life is just as it should be.......

Right now, I need to be out there with my lens. I need to get back to my first love. Which was images. (I am an art historian after all :-)

And this is my quest at the moment - "The question is not what you look at, but what you see."

I need to know what it is I am seeing.

If you enjoy photography as well as poems, you are welcome to visit here.